Whilst the title of this post is very much “tongue-in-cheek” as obviously the mighty Tucson Gem Show is under no threat from this fledgling show in Africa, we feel that it is the beginning of something that could develop into something great.
If you were born in October you are very fortunate indeed to have such a stunning and versatile gemstone as your birthstone.
The phrase “September blues” often evokes feelings of melancholy and nostalgia. The skies change and the bright, intense summer sky gives way to softer, more muted shades of blue. Not surprisingly this reflects several gemstones all a spectrum of Blue
There has always been a human “need” to own and wear minerals that have been believed to be sacred or special and this has spurred us to collect them. Perhaps this is the lure to have our birth month represented by a wonderful natural mineral
A Tanzanian small-scale miner has just discovered the biggest Tanzanites in history, worth $3.3m