We are currently closed. We will be Re-opening Last Week of November.
Fine Handmade Jewelry using highly selected exceptional Tanzanite Painstakingly Handmade to the Highest Standards Each piece is unique and one-of-a-kind.
Talk to our in-house Designer, Sheelagh Zagoritis about making you a custom piece. Select one of our
exceptional loose Tanzanite and work with Sheelagh to create a special piece that is unique to you.
Looking to find out what the prices are in the market in 2025? Or perhaps you'd like to understand price trajectory since the 1990's? This article will bring you up to date.
Everything you need to know about Tanzanite. Learn all about this beautiful, rare gemstone. Learn about its properties, how to judge quality, pricing, how it is mined, where it comes from and how to spot imitations.
Judging Tanzanite Color can be a confusing undertaking, especially online. This article will demonstrate Tanzanite color qualities in straightforward terms without the jargon.
Unlike Diamonds, colored stones do not have a universally accepted clarity grading system. We take a look at some of the most widely used systems.
Tanzanites can look markedly different under varying light sources. This article looks at Trichroism in Tanzanite and how it causes the Red Flash Effect.
Tanzanite has long been considered a viable Investment Gemstone. This article explores the reasons for this and the pertinent considerations if you are looking to invest.
Tanzanite is often regarded as a relatively delicate gemstone. We take a look at the best way to clean and care for it.
Our jewelry is all one of a kind. We do not mass manufacture. Each piece is designed separately around an exceptional gemstone and then lovingly hand crafted by our Master Goldsmiths to the finest international standards.
Direct : +254 20 2641700
Office Hours 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday
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If you can't find what you are looking for in our regular collections,
submit a Special Request and let us cut / source it for you. You will be
notified by email if we find a gem that matches your specs.
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